Tribe Guys' Lock - In
Tribe guys in 6-12th grade! You are invited to a Guys’ Lock In on Friday, October 18th at DPNRV! Arrive at 7pm with $5 to enjoy a pizza dinner! We will have video games, nerf guns, and snacks. Pick up at 7am on Saturday, October 19th!
Please text Tribe (833 - 220 - 6061) to RSVP or with questions.
Tribe Fall Kick-Off
Calling all youth in 6th -12th grade!! Tribe Fall Kick - Off is happening on Tuesday, August 27th! There will be fellowship, worship, and the Word!! We are so excited for this upcoming semester and we hope to see you at the first Fall Large Group!
Please contact Adi Jones with any questions.
Tribe Lake Day
Calling all youth and youth families (Parents need to accompany children under 12)!! Join us for more summer fun for a day at the lake!! This is going to be a great opportunity for fun and fellowship! Be on the lookout for additional information and a sign up sheet from Tribe leaders!
Tribe Putt Putt Excursion w/ the O'Reilly's
Calling all youth in 6th - 12th grade!! Join us for a fun Putt Putt excursion with the O’Reilly’s! This is going to be great fun and friendly competition! Cost to play is $10! We hope to see you there!
Living Waters Senior II Camp
Summer Camp for kids ages 15 through High School Graduation. A place to encounter the Lord’s presence and find lifelong friends. Please be sure to fill out the Release of Liability Insurance Form below. Registration will open at 8:00AM on January 16th, 2024.
Click HERE to register!
Tribe Wars
Week 2!! Tribe Wars is a great opportunity for youth to grow in relationships with each other and the Lord while having fun and enjoying friendly competition. Youth are teamed as male and female with different ages participating in weekly challenges - all competing for the title of Tribe Wars Champions! Open to youth in 6th-12th Grade (Includes upcoming 6th graders who will be 11 by Sept 30th and 2023 HS graduates).
Tribe Large Group @ Mitch and Leigha Semones'
Calling all youth in 6th - 12th grade!! Join us for another exciting Summer Large Group at Mitch and Leigha’s! This is going to be a great opportunity for fun and fellowship!
Living Waters Senior I Camp
Summer Camp for kids ages 12-14 years old. A place to encounter the Lord’s presence and find lifelong friends. Please be sure to fill out the Release of Liability Insurance Form below. Registration will open at 8:00AM on January 16th, 2024.
Click HERE to register!!
Tribe Wars
TRIBE WARS 2024 Kicks Off on June 25th! Tribe Wars is a great opportunity for youth to grow in relationships with each other and the Lord while having fun and enjoying friendly competition. Youth are teamed as male and female with different ages participating in weekly challenges - all competing for the title of Tribe Wars Champions! Open to youth in 6th-12th Grade (Includes upcoming 6th graders who will be 11 by Sept 30th and 2023 HS graduates).
TRibe Senior Celebration Picnic
All Tribe youth and Tribe families are invited to celebrate and honor our 2024 high school graduates at this year’s celebration picnic! Click HERE to see what food you can sign up to bring! This will be a great time of fellowship and blessing the graduates as they go on to their next! We hope to see you there!
Tribe Spring Retreat
Calling all youth in 6th - 12th grade! Registration is NOW OPEN for the Tribe Spring Retreat: Rain On Us! Early registration ends on April 14 - be sure to take advantage of pricing discounts today! Click HERE to register or view more info!! We hope to see you there!! Contact Kathryn Worley with any questions.
Tribe EAster Basket Service Project
Click HERE to Give
Join Tribe Youth in providing Easter baskets for residents at Warm Hearth Retirement Community! Tribe Youth will be making 50 EASTER BASKETS for $15 each! This is a great opportunity to bless these members of our community. To sponsor a basket or donate gift items please submit your contribution by March 20th. Contact Tina Mummau (540-588-7122) with any questions.
Tribe Christmas Party
Calling all youth - COME join for the annual christmastime fellowship and festivities! Wear an outfit full of Christmas Spirit for a chance to win the Christmas Spirit contest! Contact Adi Jones (540) 577-0341 for more information.
Tribe Family Trip to the Pumpkin Patch!
Calling all Tribe families! Come join us for a day of fun and fellowship at the Pumpkin Patch! Admission is $10 per person (2 & Under Free) and covers everything outside of additional food, pumpkins, or other souvenirs! It’s going to be a blast and we hope to see you and your family there! We’ll meet at the front entrance at 2 pm!
Living Waters Senior II Camp
Ages 15-18 (Boys and Girls)
Registration Begins Janurary 16th!
Living Waters Senior I Camp
Ages 12-14 (Boys and Girls)
Registration Begins Janurary 16th!
Tribe Wars Kick-Off
Tribe Wars is an opportunity for youth to grow in relationships with each other and the Lord while having fun and enjoying friendly competition. Youth are divided into different teams to participate in weekly games and challenges - all competing for the title of Tribe Wars Champions! Open to youth in 6th-12th Grade (Includes upcoming 6th graders who will be 11 by Sept 30th and 2023 HS graduates) See below for additional TW dates!
June 11th (Kick Off)
June 20th
July 11th
July 25th
Tribe Spring Retreat
Tribe Spring Retreat (Saturday, April 29th) sign-up registration. Open to youth in 6th-12th grade.
About: Tribe Spring Retreat will be a one-day retreat hosted at Dwelling Place New River Valley in Christiansburg! The retreat will include worship and teaching in 3 large group sessions, small groups and discussion, and time for fellowship through various activities during the day. As the retreat gets closer, a full schedule and list of what to bring will be sent. Sign up HERE!
Theme: Igniting Hearts. Based on Luke 24:32 and the walk to Emmaus, we'll focus on what it means for our hearts to be set ablaze by God and walk that out in our world today.
Price: Includes t-shirt, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, as well as any additional cost for snacks, activities, and resources throughout the weekend.
$45 (per student) - Individual
$35 (per student) - Families with multiple youth attending
**Registration ends on Wednesday, April 26th
Tribe Easter Basket Service Event
Click HERE to Give
Join Tribe Youth in assembling Easter baskets for local assisted living facilities! This is a great opportunity to bless these members of our community. Tribe Youth will be making 50 Easter baskets for residents. Baskets will be $15 each. If you would like to sponsor a basket or donate gift items please submit your contribution by March 22nd. Contact Adi Jones ( with any questions.