Tribe Spring Retreat (Saturday, April 29th) sign-up registration. Open to youth in 6th-12th grade.
About: Tribe Spring Retreat will be a one-day retreat hosted at Dwelling Place New River Valley in Christiansburg! The retreat will include worship and teaching in 3 large group sessions, small groups and discussion, and time for fellowship through various activities during the day. As the retreat gets closer, a full schedule and list of what to bring will be sent. Sign up HERE!
Theme: Igniting Hearts. Based on Luke 24:32 and the walk to Emmaus, we'll focus on what it means for our hearts to be set ablaze by God and walk that out in our world today.
Price: Includes t-shirt, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, as well as any additional cost for snacks, activities, and resources throughout the weekend.
$45 (per student) - Individual
$35 (per student) - Families with multiple youth attending
**Registration ends on Wednesday, April 26th