Worship Gatherings


Sunday Morning Worship

Worship starts at 10:00am

Join us in-person or online for worship, prayer, and the Word! We are located at 3325 N. Franklin Street, Christiansburg.

We believe adults and youth alike contribute to provide authentic worship, genuine fellowship, biblical teaching, exercising and practicing spiritual gifts in a safe and faith-filled way, providing opportunities for each person to find a place to grow, connect, give and serve using their God given talents and resources.

New to DP?

If you are planning to visit DP for the first time, we want you to join us and be loved! We are passionate about cultivating a family environment built up by every generation, those who grew up in the NRV  as well as those who are new to our community. 


DP Littles

DPLittles is 6months to 6 years old and is offered upstairs to the left of the sanctuary entrance from 9:50am until the end of the service.  Children may stay and worship within arms length of an adult family member in the sanctuary.  Dance/Movement begins in DPLittles at 10:15am. Parents are welcome to stay with their child the first time they are in care.  Children are in groups of similar ages and rotate through adults-directed activities including worship and movement, free play, a bible lesson with a craft and snack.


DP Kids

DPKids is accessed through the cafe to the downstairs during the sharing of the Word from 10:45am - Noon. Elementary Children are in groups of similar ages and rotate through stations including worship and movement, free play, a bible lesson with a craft and snack.


Middle School

Middle School is accessed through the cafe to the downstairs during the sharing of the Word from 10:45am - Noon. 6th-8th grade students gather for an interactive tabletop bible study, adult directed discussion and a small snack.


Worship Together

We LOVE to worship Jesus, our King! We truly believe He is worthy of our deepest and most sincere  worship. We also value each individual persons’ desire to express their heartfelt worship in a way that is genuine to them. Whether you come up front to dance, sing, and raise your hands, or sit still and worship from the depths of your heart, we ask you to come expecting an encounter with His heart, because we know that He truly inhabits the praises of His people!

Worship Gatherings


Sunday Morning Worship

Worship starts at 10:00am

Join us in-person or online for worship, prayer, and the Word! We are located at 3325 N. Franklin Street, Christiansburg.

We believe adults and youth alike contribute to provide authentic worship, genuine fellowship, biblical teaching, exercising and practicing spiritual gifts in a safe and faith-filled way, providing opportunities for each person to find a place to grow, connect, give and serve using their God given talents and resources.


DP Littles

DPLittles is 6months to 6 years old and is offered upstairs to the left of the sanctuary entrance from 9:50am until the end of the service.  Children may stay and worship within arms length of an adult family member in the sanctuary.  Dance/Movement begins in DPLittles at 10:15am. Parents are welcome to stay with their child the first time they are in care.  Children are in groups of similar ages and rotate through adults-directed activities including worship and movement, free play, a bible lesson with a craft and snack.


DP Kids

DPKids is accessed through the cafe to the downstairs during the sharing of the Word from 10:45am - Noon. Elementary Children are in groups of similar ages and rotate through stations including worship and movement, free play, a bible lesson with a craft and snack.

Middle School

Middle School is accessed through the cafe to the downstairs during the sharing of the Word from 10:45am - Noon. 6th-8th grade students gather for an interactive tabletop bible study, adult directed discussion and a small snack.


Worship Together

We LOVE to worship Jesus, our King! We truly believe He is worthy of our deepest and most sincere  worship. We also value each individual persons’ desire to express their heartfelt worship in a way that is genuine to them. Whether you come up front to dance, sing, and raise your hands, or sit still and worship from the depths of your heart, we ask you to come expecting an encounter with His heart, because we know that He truly inhabits the praises of His people!