The elders want to invite you to start 2023 with us in a church-wide season of prayer and fasting January 9-29. During this time we feel the Holy Spirit is asking us to reflect together on Isaiah 43:15-21. We will break down this passage into three weeks.
WEEK ONE - We are seeking to set our hearts on the Holy One, The creator Our King (vs 15-17) and silence the clutter and chaos competing for our attention. This may be a time of renewal for some and a time of returning to Him for others. CLICK HERE for a week one Prayer Guide.
WEEK TWO - We desire to let go of anything from our past that would hinder us from our first love of the Lord and holding on to His promises, faithfulness and Truth (vs 18). There is a place to be thankful for all that the Lord has done in our lives so that He may build upon that moving forward versus being limited by the past. CLICK HERE for a week two Prayer Guide.
WEEK THREE - We want to “behold” what He is doing “New"(vs 19). The hope is that we will have a canvas for the Lord to illustrate His roadmap for us as we prepare to embrace our next season. We believe as we do this as a corporate body there will be a release of unity and agreement in Him. CLICK HERE for a week three Prayer Guide.
Will you join us?
For more information click HERE.